Mobile Stocktaking App

Signature Software's Mobile Stocktaking app is a comprehensive real-time mobile solution that eliminates the time delay you face with a manual stocktake, as well as removing paper trails and promoting an eco-friendly environment.
The Mobile Stocktake app provides real time updates between your ICE (ERP) database and your smart phone device eliminating the needs for count sheets. As well as eliminating the need for count sheets the mobile stocktake app removes the need to key in serial numbers and key counts delivering considerable cost and time savings to any business having to perform regular and extensive stocktakes.
Business Advantages and Benefits
- Maximise stocktake productivity – view/update stocktakes from an Android smartphone
- Receive a real-time digital count sheet of your stocktake in progress
- Stocktake management – Gain greater control of your stocktake due to real time updating of stocktake items and improve your ability to manage overall stock levels of your stocktake due to real time updating of stocktake items and improve your ability to manage overall stock levels
- Save time whilst being eco-friendly, eliminating the need to manually print out count sheets and re-enter data into your ERP (ICE) database
- Fast & Simple to undertake
- Record serialized and non-serialised
- Integrated to the ICE Business System
- Stocktake by serial number as well as quantity
- Easier and quicker remote counting of inventory
- Remove the need for manual stock count sheets
- Scan serial numbers of stock
- Manage stock differences more effectively
The ICE Mobile Stocktake App enables users to count serialised and non-serialised inventory using any Android device. After scanning, reconciliation of the stock count is as simple as completing the stocktake on the device and information is immediately updated in ICE.
Technical Requirements
- Android Device (Phone or Tablet)
- Stock App (Available from Google Play Store)
Contact our sales team on +61 3 8412 8600 or by email for more information